Options for export exemptions from New Zealand composition and/or labelling requirements under the Food Act 2014 MPI is currently consulting on options for export exemptions from New Zealand composition and/or labelling requirements under the Food Act 2014. MPI is...
MFAT: Implications of shipping disruptions in the Red Sea – February 2024 SUMMARY Houthi attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea are currently disrupting goods trade between Europe and New Zealand, leading to many shipping companies now avoiding transit...
Working together to grow a successful export food and beverage industry in NZ We often hear the phrase “New Zealand is a food bowl for Asia” used in the media, but how do we ensure that New Zealand exporters are ready and able to exploit this opportunity? There are...
New Zealand companies exporting to Australia can access an online course on the Australian Food and Grocery Code of Conduct, under a special arrangement between FGC and Australasian retail marketing and strategy company NextGen. A working knowledge of the Code is...
The complexities of ASEAN, with its 625 million people and multitude of ethnicities, calls for a granular approach to understanding market opportunities there, Nielsen reports in its latest consumer market update. While ASEAN has been enjoying economic recognition in...
The New Zealand International Business Forum has released a video series that highlights how trade matters and how it impacts on the everyday lives of all New Zealanders. The five two-minute videos comprise trade and business experts talking about different aspects of...