Restrictive supermarket covenants banned
FGC welcomes the passing of legislation banning covenants that impede the development of land or the use of a site for a grocery store. The Commerce (Grocery Sector Covenants) Amendment Act 2022 deems such covenants as substantially reducing competition in the grocery...
Proposal to broaden scope of covenants
FGC’s revealing submission on restrictive supermarket leases has been acted on by a select committee. The report-back on the Commerce (Grocery Sector Covenants) Amendment Bill by Parliament’s Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee includes a proposal...Be a Tidy Kiwi
Be a Tidy Kiwi: Agreement with FGC members Logo use guidelinesModern slavery and exploitation
A legislative response to modern slavery and worker exploitation: towards freedom, fairness and dignity in operations and supply chains discussion document – to MBIE document