So will the Govt break up the duopoly?

So will the Govt break up the duopoly?

The likelihood or otherwise of the Government breaking up the supermarket duopoly is the subject of two fascinating pieces of analysis. In the most recent, Stuff business writer Tom Pullar-Strecker concludes the Government isn’t going to overrule the Commerce...
So will the Govt break up the duopoly?

Govt may break up duopoly, next steps in May

Commerce Minister David Clark has given his strongest indication yet the Government could be about to break up New Zealand’s supermarket duopoly. Next steps will be announced in late May. In an interview on NewstalkZB about the 7.6% rise in food prices in the year to...
Could this be the new face of competition in supermarkets:

Could this be the new face of competition in supermarkets:

Could this be the new face of competition in NZ supermarkets: A 500g block of Tararua butter $4 compared to $7.30 and $6.79! A 1.2kg box of Weet-Bix $5 compared to $7.80! Greggs special blend instant coffee $1 compared to $2.49! The lower prices were all from The...