Legislation addresses wide range of desperately needed changes

Legislation addresses wide range of desperately needed changes

The Grocery Industry Competition Bill will address a wide range of desperately needed changes in the grocery sector, says the New Zealand Food & Grocery Council. “These proposals will be welcomed by suppliers and consumers as further concrete steps towards helping...

For the record …

Shortly after joining FGC in October 2022, Raewyn Bleakley was asked by Supermarket News about herself and her career. Here are their questions and her answers: Some details about yourself, where did you grow up, family, education, previous roles etc I grew up in...
Grocery Commissioner will have extraordinary powers, says MBIE

Grocery Commissioner will have extraordinary powers, says MBIE

The powers of the yet-to-be appointed Grocery Commission will be quite extraordinary, the Deputy Secretary, Building, Resources and Markets at MBIE, Paul Stocks told the NZFGC ONE VOICE conference in Queenstown today. He said the ability of the commissioner to review...

Code: framework, challenges, management, comparisons

Consumer goods and retail consultants Hexis Quadrant has briefed FGC members on the ongoing development of New Zealand’s Grocery Supply Code. Exact topics of the discussion, which was led by Managing Partner Nick Hogendijk, included: An overview of the framework...