Strong presence at World Expo in Dubai is vital
Having a strong presence at World Expo 2020 in Dubai is a vital part of New Zealand’s strategy to diversify and to strengthen other growing markets for food products and services, says NZ Food and Grocery Council Chief Executive Katherine Rich. “Dubai is an important...An interview with John Clarke
The untimely death of beloved satirist John Clarke had many people reaching into record collections, scouring bookshelves, and searching YouTube to refresh memories of a fine talent lost. In 2012, the NZ Food and Grocery Council held its annual conference in...Goodman Fielder NZ boss is FGC Chair
Goodman Fielder NZ Managing Director Tim Deane is the new Chair of the NZ Food and Grocery Council. He replaces Veronique Cremades, the Country Manager of Nestlé NZ, who has completed her term. Goodman Fielder NZ is one of our country’s largest consumer food companies...