Danone expansion shows confidence in NZ

Danone’s $25 million upgrade of its blending and milk processing plant in Auckland is further evidence of how vital New Zealand is in its regional operation, says Katherine Rich. The multi-national company has officially opened its Early Life Nutrition plant, and Mrs...
Industry to work with Govt as sugar tax off table

Industry to work with Govt as sugar tax off table

The food industry is ready to work with the Government on further ways of tackling the obesity epidemic, says FGC Chief Executive Katherine Rich. She was commenting on a report quoting Health Minister David Clark that he had no plans for a sugar tax, but was instead...
Review backs FGC’s argument: sugar taxes don’t work

Review backs FGC’s argument: sugar taxes don’t work

The findings of an independent review into the effectiveness of sugar taxes on health backs up what FGC has been saying for years – that they make little or no difference. The report finds: “No study based on actual experience with sugar taxes has identified an impact...