The Health & Regulatory Working Group comprises technical experts drawn from the FGC membership. They share their knowledge and deliver huge value to our members. The group has covered a wide range of topics and activities, and FGC makes submissions on a wide range of issues, with ongoing emphasis on:

Healthier New Zealanders

Work on this initiative continues to parallel the work of the Consumer Goods Forum. Workstreams cover employee health & wellness, nutrition & product formulation, product labelling & consumer information, advertising to children, community activity.

Children’s Code of Marketing

Considerable and complementary effort has gone into the work of the Advertising Standards Authority to implement the Children and Young People’s Code of Advertising and Guidance Notes.  Working group members works closely with the ASA, learning from complaints made against our members and ensuring the highest level of compliance from the industry.

Health Star Rating

FGC’s support for this programme continues to be strong, as a means of demonstrating that the food industry is part of the solution for healthier choices. This voluntary system means industry can manage the timing of change, and lead rather than being led. The membership continues to work hard to deliver information to MPI on uptake.

Industry Pledge on Healthy Kids

In December 2017, the working group reported to the Ministry of Health on the first year of FGC’s commitment to the Pledge. The report featured a wide range of products and programmes that show the industry is ‘walking the talk’ about healthy kids.


The group discusses and has input on developments in the areas of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, Customs, Food Safety and Country ofOrigin Labelling. It delivers submissions on a wide range of topics to a wide range of government and related agencies, as can be seen in the Submissions section of this website.