FGC Healthier New Zealanders Initiative

NZFGC member companies undertake a demonstrable and genuine commitment to the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders NZFGC is actively engaged in promoting and supporting the work by members to deliver health & wellness across the New Zealand population. Many of...
Country of Origin Labelling

Country of Origin Labelling

From 12 February 2022, businesses must comply with the new Consumer Information Standards (Origin of Food) Regulations that apply to certain fresh and thawed foods: fruit, vegetables, finfish, shellfish, and cured pork such as ham, bacon, and prosciutto. If these...
China dairy market growth great for NZ

China dairy market growth great for NZ

Huge growth being experienced in the China consumer dairy market can only be great news for New Zealand exporters, says Katherine Rich. Analysis by global market research company Innova Market Insights shows dairy product growth from 2016 to 2017 was 44%, while the...
Smart forklift safety campaign

Smart forklift safety campaign

Foodstuffs North Island has developed and shared a compelling safety campaign around the use of forklifts in and around its stores. It features a series of attractive and easy-to-understand graphics which cover nine forklift operations, ranging from loading curtain...

Safe Use of Machinery

The food and beverage manufacturing industry is one of three industries where more harm and injury is occurring than in manufacturing in general, says WorkSafe NZ. The other two are the metal and wood industries. WorkSafe has now updated and practical advice for safe...
Foodstuffs’ In-Store Safety Brochures

Foodstuffs’ In-Store Safety Brochures

FGC’s Industry Relations Safety Sub-Committee has received some very useful information and brochures on in-store safety courtesy of Foodstuffs Wellington. They related to racking when stores are open and closed, loading and unloading trucks, and general forklift...

Zero harm

The FMCG industry has an aim of zero harm, and FGC backs this 100 per cent. The Department of Labour produces a lot of material around workplace safety and has recently updated is resource around stacking and storage, some of it in response to the Christchurch...

FGC Export Initiative

Working together to grow a successful export food and beverage industry in NZ We often hear the phrase “New Zealand is a food bowl for Asia” used in the media, but how do we ensure that New Zealand exporters are ready and able to exploit this opportunity?  There are...

Exporters get access to Aussie Code of Conduct training

New Zealand companies exporting to Australia can access an online course on the Australian Food and Grocery Code of Conduct, under a special arrangement between FGC and Australasian retail marketing and strategy company NextGen. A working knowledge of the Code is...