The Commerce Commission is seeking feedback on submissions received in response to its Preliminary Issues paper on the grocery sector market study.

It says it received “an extremely positive response” to its online surveys, which were designed to help build a detailed picture of how competition is working at different levels of the grocery sector by asking suppliers and consumers about whether competition is working well the sector.

Alongside this work it’s gathering information from other stakeholders including grocery retailers, wholesalers, importers, consumer organisations, and potential new competitors. They can comment on points raised in submissions to the Preliminary issues paper. The paper, points raised in submissions, and a form for making further submissions are on the the Commission’s website here.

Comments are due no later than 5pm Monday 12 April.

Attachment C of the Preliminary issues paper contains further details on how stakeholders can give their views, including what to do if they are providing confidential information, or wish to remain anonymous.

Anyone with further questions can email the Commission.